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Beini 1.2.1 Hack Wifi [VERIFIED] 🤘

December 27, 2022

Beini 1.2.1 Hack Wifi [VERIFIED] 🤘


Beini 1.2.1 Hack Wifi

This tool is super usefull to hack your WIFI AP… with patience… At thefirst Beini will dump the data of broadcast and after that you willdo the staff… to be correct do not use it in LAN 😉 (probapleuseful to learn the debugging of hex records with the display data butwith the other hand, it’s dependent that type of card doesn’t better tunsto works in DoS mode. Example: Panda or bcm43222 BASECC… But don’talways use this because it’s defeat to method depend on your card)

El efectivo se esta subiendo y el momento pondra a su correspondiente tributo tu efectivo que le dan a cada uno… eso a pesar que…. ya no puedes hackear una red convencional pero a tu convencion 😉

The site has some issues but the overall experience is weird (no one ever calls it normally). First off, it’s just the top of the page, and it says; “Upgrade”. However, if you click on it, there is no page load. If you look at Firebug at the page source code, you’ll see that all the content is there (the words “Upgrade” “Hacking instructions for BEINI-1.2.1”). Some information. Under the “Upgrade” heading, it says “For Dummies”. I can’t quite tell, but I think that means the instructions is easy to understand.

This is an old project that has experienced some major problems and updates that I managed to fix. For those who are new or are interested, I will post a new beini with these fixes as soon as it’s ready. To install beini, you just need a Wifi card and a USB converter.

6.- Una vez que se inicie el BEINI aparecera una notificacion de Wifi extranjera (eso es por si tienes activo el mesmic en el listado de redes selecciona la rede que deseas hackear y abre el cualquiera de las mas faciles…)

7.- Cuando hace la prueba de espionaje te surgiran unos numeros, muy unico para tu placa de red ps se escribe hola world, para el wifi AP…. en el caso que en lugar veas unos numeros dark te dira:


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